
Friday, August 21, 2015

Wedding Cupcakes

Two hundred and four gorgeous cupcakes later!!! Wow...that was a lesson in multi-tasking, because I bake, but I bake around the lives of three crazy boys ages 5, almost 4, and almost 2! Baking and decorating is my opportunity to take my mind away from the laundry, the cleaning, the's my "happy place" if you must. However, this week...I had done the shopping, baked the 17 dozen cupcakes in 7 different flavors, and I thought life was good. Insert almost 2 year old with a high temp. NOT GOOD! So, now the decorating had to be done around the holding and cuddling of a cute almost 2 year old who did not understand that mommy was working while playing mommy. So, that's my life...multi-tasking...unplanned...and trying to go with the flow. Not always easy, but worth the end result! I LOVE these cupcakes and the bride did an excellent job of picking out flavors and color combos! I hope they were enjoyed!